Monday 26 August 2013

BeeHave And Bee Quiet!

Sometimes when it comes to photography,i take the lazy approach and decide to shoot bits in my garden but its still possible to find interesting subjects just a stones throw away from your house....literally! It was early afternoon and the sun had made everything drier then a cracker eating contest with no glass of water that day,but i've always liked the shots of dew soaked flowers so armed with a sprayer i headed out.I felt abit sorry for the insects around my garden,they were probably out enjoying the sun when i came along and rained down a tidal wave's worth of spray for my own photographic needs! I think the heat had caused the bee's to have a day off as they just laid inside the flowers with an all you can eat pollen supply to hand.The colours in the photo's are vibrant and really work well with the dew drops so im pleased with the results.

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